Society of Physics Students:
Dr. Nash currently serves as advisor to the UTSA chapter of the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma. The chapter is involved with outreach on campus and in the local community. In recent months the chapter as co-host Nobel Laureate, Dr. John C. Mather, built a space capsule for Space Day events held around the city, and received outstanding chapter of the year award.
APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP)
Dr. Nash is the current chair-elect for the APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) .These conferences are three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors. The application process for students will open September 1st annually.The APS CUWiP goal is to help undergraduate women continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas. Dr. Nash and colleagues lead an effort to host one of the 2016 APS CUWiP conferences in 2016.
The 2016 conferences were held Friday, January 15 through Sunday afternoon, January 17, 2016.
Black Hills State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Old Dominion University/Jefferson Lab
Ohio State University
Oregon State University
Syracuse University
University of California, San Diego
University of Texas, San Antonio
Wesleyan University
Mentoring the Next-Generation of Researchers:
The lab has hosted interns from the Northwest Vista College (NVC) Nanotechnology Program . Interns spend one or more semesters doing research in the lab alongside graduate students. As part of the formal 2+2 agreement between UTSA and NVC these students are able to complete an Associates degree in Nanotechnology at NVC and then a Bachelor's of Science in Physics at UTSA. Dr. Nash also serves on the NVC Nanotechnology program's advisory board.
Dr. Nash has also served as a research mentor through the ACS Project Seed Program. Miss Cheyenne Silva, a local high school student, worked on understanding the role of human hair types on the formation of metal nanoparticles in the the summer of 2013 and 2014. In the fall of 2014 Cheyenne enrolled at UTSA and received several scholarships including an ACS scholarship based on her commitment to doing research through the ACS Project SEED program.
UTSA-Northwestern University Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM)
Dr. Nash is currently the co-chair of the Outreach and Education Committee for the NSF funded UTSA-Northwestern University Partnership in Materials and Education (PREM) program housed at UTSA. Other programs include implementation of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology curriculum in the Prefreshman Engineering Program (PREP IV) housed at UTSA.
UTSA PREM Students along with Dr. Nash and Dr. Xomalin Peralta
participated the 2012 Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Core4 STEM Expo
Dr. Nash is also an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Through this international sorority she has served as a mentor to youth throughout the San Antonio community under the signature programs that have provided targeted mentorship to middle school and high school youth with a focus rewards of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers.